Meet Your (Coffee) Maker - Coffeelands Cafe


In todays, "Meet Your (Coffee) Makers!" series, we traveled to Clinton, MA to Coffeelands Café.

We spent the morning chatting with its vivacious owner Rhonda Messer and learned all about the REVOLUTIONARY changes she’s made to the store and a bunch of upcoming surprises. Here is a little more from our interview with Rhonda:


Rhonda Messer Holding Bag of Coffee


















How did you become a coffee store owner?

I bought Coffeelands in November 2015 and the transformation from a smaller gift shop that sold coffee to a coffee shop that champions 100% fair trade and organic coffee, tea and vegetarian fare was born. I was working in the corporate world and was ready to go out on my own. After a slew of serendipitous events, like my sister moving into the apartment above Coffeelands, and the timing of the non-profit Polus Center looking to sell the business, it all fell together perfectly.


Tell us your motivation for using Dean’s Beans Coffee.

When I first took over the café, numerous coffee companies approached me to use their coffee. However, I had gotten a copy of Dean’s Java Trekker: Dispatchers from the World of Fair Trade Coffee and it completely changed my life. Having learned about fair trade and the impact on the farmers, I knew I had to stay with Dean’s Beans. Dean Cycon is a personal hero of mine.

What would you like people to know about Coffeelands?

Like Dean’s Beans, promoting change and championing community development is the mission of Coffeelands. I believe that social enterprises can be successful businesses that never undermine people or the environment and support the local community. Clinton, MA is a “diamond in the rough, and filled with so many gems” and we are coming together to create real community change. June 9th the town celebrates its sidewalk sale and Coffeelands will be having a huge presence. We will be working with area middle and high schools as well as other local non-profits. Stop in to the store and see all the changes that are happening!

Coffeelands Café interior





Okay, I gotta ask, what is your favorite Dean’s Beans coffee?

*(before I even finished the question…) Birdwatchers!


Thank you Rhonda and the team from Coffeelands Café!

Go check them out (and ignore that Dunkins a few blocks away)!


Coffeelands Cafe

50 High St

Clinton, MA 01510







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